JP JOBSで日本企業への就職を決めて働いている外国人の方々がいます。今回は日本の企業で活躍するミャンマーの女性に、日本就業のきっかけや目標について、お話をお聞きしました。
ミャンマー出身のMOE THIDA KHAINGと申します。ミャンマーのヤンゴンコンピューター大学を卒業しました。ソフトウェア開発に興味があり、IT業界でソフトウェアエンジニアとして働き始めました。将来的にはソフトウェアエンジニアとして身に付けたIT技術・知識をもとに、ITコンサルタントとして日本とミャンマーの架け橋になりたいです。今は日本とミャンマーのために役立つシステムを開発して社会に貢献したいと思っています。
株式会社 ティージー・eプロテック
代表取締役 秋田進也さん
「新たに技術者を採用したい」と考えていた時に、JP JOBSと出会いました。これまで外国人採用の経験はありませんでしたが、以前から社内の国際化については興味を持っていましたので、これを機に挑戦してみることにしました。
それまでは日本人の社員しかおりませんでしたので、外国人採用の面接や手続きに不安を感じていましたが、JP JOBSのサポートもあり、安心して採用活動を進めることができました。
人材募集については、サイトがわかりやすかったので、希望する条件に近い人材をすぐに見つけることができました。また、不安だった就業ビザの取得についても、JP JOBSのサポートのおかげで、無事に手続きを終えることができました。一方で、就業時期の問題でビザの取得に時間がかかったり、言葉や習慣の違いを理解するのにお互いに時間がかかったりと、外国人採用の難しさも実感しました。
株式会社 ティージー・eプロテック
Some foreigners who decide to serve at company in Japan through JP JOBS. We interviewed a lady from Myanmar who is energetic in Japanese company about a motive and targets for working in here on this time.
――First of all, please tell me personal history.
I'm Moe Thida Khaing from Myanmar. I have graduated from University of Computer Studies, Yangon (UCSY). I am interested in software development and started working as a software engineer in IT industry. In the future, I would like to become an IT consultant between Japan and Myanmar by using IT technology and knowledge I acquired as a software engineer. Now I would like to contribute to society by developing useful systems for Japan and Myanmar.
――Why did you decide to work in Japan?
Japan is a reputable country in the world and a technologically advanced country, so I think that anyone would like to get a job in Japan. I decided to work in Japan because I wanted to work in a workplace where I could learn Japanese technology and use Japanese language well. In addition, I actually wanted to live in Japan and realize the beauty of nature in Japan, traditional culture, traditional crafts, high quality of Japanese products, Japanese customs, Japanese personality, wonderful Japanese food.
――How do you have any impression about Japan?
I think that Japan is a country with advanced technology while keeping valuable natural environment. I feel that politeness is the best characteristic of Japanese people. Japanese people can solve any difficult problems with teamwork. Thus, I would like to say that all of the impressions of Japan are wonderful.
――Do you have any targets or any achievement in Japan?
I want to be able to speak in Japanese like a Japanese person and experience various system development. If I have a chance, I would like to obtain permission to stay permanently in Japan. I'm trying hard to fulfill my dream.
――Please say message to foreigner who want to work in Japan.
If foreigners (Myanmar) have already decided to work in Japan, the most important thing is "Japanese Language". I advise that you should study Japanese well before coming to Japan. Let's study japanese!!!
Representative director
Shinya Akita
We met JP JOBS when we would like to have good engineer newly. Although we have not have any experiences foreigners employments, we have been interested in internationalize for company, so we felt this chance was fine opportunity, we tried.
Our team was all Japanese, we worried about interview for foreigners or any procedures. However we were able to go ahead adoption activity with relief supported by JB JOBS.
It was easy for us to understand website, we were able to find finest candidate soon. Besides we were able to complete working visa procedure although we were nervous. The other we felt the difficulty of employment for foreigners, for example it costs long time to have visa, it takes much time to communicate with each other, to understand the difference of languages or cultures.
We have impression for Ms. MOE at first time, she was little quiet. Gradually she became getting used to be our company, she demonstrated her real good ability. We were sure to have the language wall between us, however thanks for her making effort, she became fit in with us perfectly, her existence itself makes boost other staff’s motivation. Not ‘ she is a foreigner’ as one staff, as like other staffs, company would like her to instruct junior colleague as senior staff much more.
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